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Turn off Notifications
By setting your phone to silent and turning off notifications, you are not distracted by what is happening on your phone. Students tend to be distracted by activity on their phones rather than in class. This can result in lower test scores and can affect your overall education.
"Do not Disturb"
The sound of a notification can keep you up later than you intended and prevent you from sleeping. Set your phone to silent and to "do not disturb" mode at night so as to not distract yourself and help you to get a great night's sleep.

Positive Messages
Social media has a lot of negative messages that affect how we see ourselves. While on social media, it is important to look for positive messages only. Post positive messages yourself to help uplift and encourage others. Try making a goal of posting at least one positive message a day!
Get back into doing fun activities you enjoy! Spend less time on social media and do more activities such as sports, hanging out with friends, doing homework, and even house cleaning! Being productive and getting things done can help improve your attitude and your overall behavior.

Time Limit
Did you know you can set a time limit for how long you spend on a specific app? Look for this feature in your settings. If it is not there, you can download apps that will set time limits for you.